Adopt an animal or a tree!

Do you want to become a sponsor  of your favourite animal or plant? No problem! An elegant flamingo , a cute meerkat or a roaring lion: everyone will find an animal to adopt.

By adopting an animal, you clearly show your attachment to Ueckermünde Zoo and support us in a sustainable way. Donations directly help with caring for animals and plant. This includes caring for the animals as well as medical care by a vet.

Info and contract 
offers and pricing (german)

We are looking for donors not only for animals, but also for trees. Become a sponsor for a tree! You may become a sponsor for an apple tree for 100 Euro per year. The trees will be planted in autumn. As a sponsor, you may plant “your” tree.

The amount of donation depends on the animal species. The lowest price is 30 Euro for a rabbit or a guinea pig, the highest 2600 Euro per year for a lion.

Only you can say what the donation means to you. With your donation you help for conservation of rare and endangered species. Firms may also advertise by being a sponsor of Ueckermünde Zoo.

Once per year there is a special event for the sponsors. You get detailed information on your sponsored animal. If you wish, your name will appear on a sign at the zoo. Your sponsorship lasts for one year. You receive from us an individual certificate with your name.

A school class or a kindergarten group may also be sponsor. You may also give away a sponsorship.

Whether private sponsor or institution or give away: check this list and send us the contract back. You may also contact us, we will inform you.

Contact: 039771 54 94 0 or info@tierpark-ueckermuende.de

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